Throughout CLL’s 35 years of business we have fostered courageous creativity and entrepreneurship propelling us forward onto bigger, more complex projects. Always with a people first approach.
From fencing and landscaping all those years ago, we now offer a range of large scale construction solutions. Our services and techniques are unique to CLL through our own invention and methodology, or discovery from pioneering technology in Europe. We offer the best available practice across piling, retaining, ground stabalisation and ground improvements.
Our team understands the varying nature of New Zealand’s complex geology and can provide expert advice for your specific site, no matter the location.

- We are straightforward and ethical.
- We are astute and considerate.

- We put service and people first.
- We respect and share knowledge with each other.
- We give others confidence and promote growth.

- We strive to think, feel and act (rather than react).
- We are innovative and receptive to new ideas.

- We take personal responsibility.
- We are confident in our ideals.